LO2) 2.2 What does a higher education institution require?

Higher education such as universities have a certain set of requirements to be accepted by them. The grades that you get are an important aspect, as well as the tuition fee. Creative courses may require a portfolio to see how you work.

Anglia Ruskin University

As well as the qualification requirements, the course also calls for an interview and portfolio. There aren't any specifications for the portfolio other than simply having a portfolio. Its likely best to have a digital portfolio because of what the course is about though. The tuition fees are £9250.

Arts University Bournemouth

The course asks for a digital portfolio, and says that they won't have interviews but will hold virtual events instead. The tuition fee is £9250 here, but outside of the UK the fee is £13750 instead. Part of this is because Brexit affected the EU countries.

BIMM Institute

There is a portfolio or showreel requirement for this course to show any experience with film, and details of what exactly to include will be asked in an email after applying. The tuition fee is £9250.

Bath Spa University

The portfolio for this course is asked to be digital, and that more details will be given after applying. The tuition fee is £9250.

University of Brighton

There aren't any details for the portfolio for this course, other than one being necessary. The tuition fee is £9250.
